Superresolution optical pickup apparatus
Support apparatus and image forming apparatus
Suppression of banding due to vibration in imager with LED...
Suppression of banding due to vibration in imagers with...
Surface emitting laser element, surface emitting laser...
Synchronization of multiple ROS for image registration in a sing
Synchronization of pixilated labeling media
Synchronization of pixilated labeling media
Synchronizing signal generating circuit for optical multiple-sca
System and method for clock independent pulse width modulation
System and method for controlling a multi-function digital...
System and method for controlling a tracking servo during...
System and method for direct laser engraving of images onto...
System and method for enhanced printing
System and method for film watermarking
System and method for fusing toner
System and method for laser marking
System and method for modifying an output image signal to compen
System and method for printing reimageable transient documents
System and method for providing high brightness illumination