Platen having channels and method for the same
Platen having channels and method for the same
Platen moving mechanism and thermal printer
Platen plate and liquid discharging device
Point-of-incidence ink-curing mechanisms for radial printing
Porous fusible inkjet media with fusible core-shell...
Porous inkjet recording system comprising...
Positioning structure in image forming apparatus
Powder composition and process of forming liquid ink image...
Power transmission arrangement
Precision writing line control platen for high resolution...
Preconditioning media for embossing
Preparations for ink-jet printing on common household surfaces
Pressure roller
Print area radiant heater for ink-jet printer
Print assembly for a mobile telecommunications device with...
Print engine incorporating a quartet of printhead modules...
Print engine incorporating a quartet of printhead modules...
Print engine with a printhead assembly arranged within a...
Print engine with a transfer roller for a recess-mountable...