Stable fail-safe cleat with automatic in-line locking cam
Storage attachments for vehicles
Stuffing box sheave assembly with retention pad
Supporting device
Supports of boom end sheaves or similar for a lifting and/or han
Swivel post latch system for bearing block
T-slot sheave
Tensioning apparatus and method
Tensioning apparatus and method of applying tension to a tendon
Tire mount-dismount mechanism
Torque limiter means for controlling rotary motion
Towing device for small planes and the like
Tractor-mounted logging winch
Tree stand hoist assembly and casing therefor having...
Tube bundle extractor for use with heat exchangers
Unitary, ridged and ratcheted pulley block
Vehicle wheel-removing and handling device
Warp beam dolly
Winding block
Wire carrying spool and apparatus for support and lifting thereo