Brain image alignment method and system
Branch deletion method for thinned image
Branch extension method for airway segmentation
Breast cancer screening with ultrasound image overlays
Breast tomosynthesis with display of highlighted suspected...
Bright line plot processing method and computer program...
Brightness adjustment of images using digital scene analysis
Brightness and contrast invariant detection of vertebra...
Brightness gain using white segment with hue and gain...
Broad bandwidth image domain communication channel with symbol i
Broadened-specular reflection and linear subspaces for...
Bronchial wall thickening recognition for reduced...
Browsing JPEG images using MPEG hardware chips
Browsing JPEG images using MPEG hardware chips
Buffer data control circuit and method in image compression...
Buffer management for an adaptive buffer value using...
Building of a document classification tree by recursive optimiza
Building security, occupant safety, and emergency response
Built-in scanner
Bursty data transmission of compressed video data