Automatically extracting graphical bar codes
Automatically generating a content-based quality metric for...
Automatically generating precipitation proximity notifications
Automatically producing an image of a portion of a...
Automatically selected adjusters
Automically aligning image data in an image processing apparatus
Automobile apparatus for road lane and vehicle ahead detection a
Automobile infrared night vision device and automobile display
Automoire phase error correction for a hyperacuity halftoner
Automotive occupant sensing device
Autonomous camera having exchangable behaviours
Autonomous face recognition machine
Autonomous optical wake-up intelligent sensor circuit
Autonomous rendezvous and docking system and method therefor
Autonomous vehicle and motion control therefor
Autonomous wide-angle license plate recognition
Autoradiography-based differential wear mapping
Autosegmentation/autocontouring system and method
Autothresholding of noisy images
Auxilliary navigation system for use in urban areas