Method of optimizing the compression of image data, with automat
Method, rate controller, and system for preventing overflow and
Methods and apparatus for data compression based on modeling...
Methods and apparatus for encoding video data using motion vecto
Methods and systems for rate control in image compression
Methods for performing 2-dimensional maximum differences...
Methods for transitioning compression levels in a streaming...
Modification of detected quantization step size from the...
Modifications of postscript adaptive data compression (ADC)...
Motion image coding apparatus for performing hierarchical...
Motion image coding apparatus for performing hierarchical...
Moving image data management apparatus and method
Moving image data management apparatus and method
Moving image data management apparatus and method
MPEG bit-stream format converter for changing resolution
Multi-coding apparatus
Multi-mode image processing
Multi-point predictive foveation for bandwidth reduction of...
Multi-point predictive foveation for bandwidth reduction of...
Multi-point predictive foveation for bandwidth reduction of...