Detachable pendant lamp for easy packing assembly
Detachable window decoration
Device for adjusting a moving position of a headlight, a headlig
Device for adjusting and controlling the optical axis of a headl
Device for angularly positioning a mass relative to a horizontal
Device for connecting the plug-in base of a mast top unit...
Device for properly illuminating at least one flag,...
Device for securing a shade to a light fixture
Device for suspending hangings or light fittings
Direct plug electric candle lighting system
Directionally-adjustable LED spotlight
Disappearing landscape light
Disassembly-type lamp shade structure
Discharge lamp luminaire
Discreet display lamp
Displacement and tilt adjustable apparatus
Display device by columnar light
Display frame system
Disposable sterile cover for surgical lamps
Disposable sterile covering for dental and surgical lighting fix