Bending and feeding apparatus for installing a cable into a pref
Bending weir
Benthic screen for controlling aquatic plant growth
Bentonite liner with drainage system protection
Bentonite-gelled oil waterproofing composition
Bi-directional anchor drive system and method of using same
Bidirectional adjustable boat cradle
Bimetallic corrosion resistant structural joint and method of ma
Binder for mine tailings, alluvial sand and the like
Binder-injecting rockbolt
Bio-passage for disrupting laminar flow
Biodegradable groynes
Biodegradable sediment barrier
Biofilter bags for erosion control
Biofilter bags for erosion control
Biologically-dominated artificial reef
Biologically-dominated artificial reef
Bionic dunes
Bioremediation system
Bioremediation systems and methods