Device for supporting a gallery or a tunnel
Device for the in-situ production of columns of stabilized and c
Device for vibrating the soil
Devices of providing efficient revegetation and greening...
Discontinuous structural reinforcing elements and method of rein
Displaceable mine roof support assemblies
Ditch lining apparatus
Ditch lining apparatus and method and product therefrom
Ditch lining apparatus and method and product therefrom
Ditch shoring unit
Double-plate control device
Double-tube type boring and kneading machine, and method for imp
Double-wing deformable stop-end pipe for forming the joining sur
Dowel device for grouting in a drillhole
Drainage block feedthrough for assembly of walls constructed of
Drillable ground support bolt
Drilling apparatus and method for single pass bolting
Drilling device
Drilling means serving as ground anchor and method