Liquid hydrocarbon sorbing and solidifying pillow
Management system for water-barrier sheet
Means for installing membranes in containment pits for tanks sto
Method for controlling water influx into underground cavities
Method for forming a moisture barrier in a soil containing solub
Method for treating porous media
Method for waterproofing surfaces
Method of constructing means for directing or holding water
Method of directing or holding water
Method of providing earth covering useful for water harvesting
Method of waterproofing with a self-healing bentonite sheet mate
Moisture impervient barrier and method for making same
Moisture-impervious panel capable of delayed hydration
Permanent bin for temporary storage of hazardous materials
Pipelaying in artic offshore waters
Plastic lined canal
Pond sealing
Pressure barrier liner
Process and composition for forming an earthen hardpan
Process and composition for forming an earthen hardpan