Method and apparatus for charging raw and carbonaceous...
Method and apparatus for effecting convective heat transfer in a
Method and apparatus for gas lancing
Method and apparatus for heat recovery
Method and apparatus for quick purging a multiple bed regenerati
Method and apparatus for smokeless burnout of regenerative therm
Method and apparatus for the reduction of solid waste material u
Method and apparatus for the thermal treatment of waste material
Method and apparatus for thermal treatment of solids
Method and cooling device for the subracks in a chamber furnace
Method and radiant-heating device for heating an industrial...
Method and system for increasing the efficiency and productivity
Method for increasing efficiency and productivity of a furnace
Method for the thermal dedusting of regenerative afterburning sy
Microwave powered ozone producing system
Mixing arrangement for a combustible gas mixture
Multi-layered heat treatment furnace, heat treatment unit,...
Multiple outlet blower scroll for an industrial oven
Multiple stage heating apparatus
Multiple-bed thermal oxidizer control damper system