Multi-layered type heat exchanger
Multi-lead heat sink
Multi-leg heat pipe evaporator
Multi-level microchannel heat exchangers
Multi-load thermal regulating system having electronic valve...
Multi-load thermal regulating system having electronic valve...
Multi-load thermal regulating system with multiple serial...
Multi-load thermal regulating system with multiple serial...
Multi-material heat spreader
Multi-mode damper for an A-shaped heat exchanger
Multi-mode heat exchanger
Multi-mode heat transfer using a thermal heat pipe valve
Multi-mode heat transfer using a thermal heat pipe valve
Multi-mode solar heating and cooling system
Multi-mode, two-phase cooling module
Multi-panelled heat exchanger
Multi-pass crossflow jet impingement heat exchanger
Multi-pass exhaust gas recirculation cooler
Multi-pass heat exchanger
Multi-pass heat exchanger