Baffle seal for sheel and tube heat exchangers
Baffleless tube and shell heat exchanger having fluted tubes
Bar support shim and method
Brazeless heat exchanger of the tube and shell type
Ceramic heat exchanger
Ceramic heat exchangers
Ceramic recuperator tube and a recuperator employing plural such
Ceramic shell-and-tube type heat exchanger, and method for manuf
Clamping assembly heat exchanger tube plates
Coil type condenser for refrigerator
Coiled heat exchanger
Combination tube sheet and baffle
Combined muffler/heat exchanger
Compact heat-exchanger for fluids
Compact intermediate heat transport system for sodium cooled rea
Compression sealing of tubes within shell and tube heat exchange
Consolidated nuclear steam generator
Coolant guiding element and coolant guiding device
Cooler for particle-laden gases
Corrosion resistant heat exchanger