Underwater scrubbing of CO2 from CO2-containing hydrocarbon...
Universal decontaminating solution for chemical warfare agents
Use of an ozone containing fluid to neutralize chemical...
Use of electric arc furnace by-products in concrete
Use of metal chelate complexes in dehalogenation
Use of persulfate to destroy haloform
Use of reagents to convert chrysotile and amosite asbestos used
Use of spent bauxite as an absorbent or solidification agent
Use of super acids to digest chrysotile and amosite asbestos in
Vitrification of ion exchange resins
Vitrification of organics-containing wastes
Vitrification of waste
Vitrification of waste with conitnuous filling and...
Wand inductor for remediation of contaminated soil
Waste disposal in subterranean earth formations
Waste disposal process
Waste fluid treatment process
Waste gas incineration
Waste gas storage
Waste incineration process