Apparatus for tempering glass sheets of different sizes and shap
Apparatus for tempering glass sheets suspended in a vertical ori
Apparatus for the heating or cooling of plate-like or sheet-like
Apparatus for thermal tempering sheets of glass
Assembly in the annealing section of a glass tempering apparatus
Blow back control device for a glass sheet tempering system
Blow back control device in glass tempering system
Blow box for glass tempering
Blow box for glass tempering
Chain drive mechanism for equipment for heating and cooling work
Combination heater quench
Composite blasthead for quench station of glass sheet tempering
Convection heating furnace for a tempered glass sheet
Cooling ring assembly for controlling stresses in a formed glass
Cooling station in a tempering plant for glass sheets
Dead plate arrangement of a glassware forming machine
Dead plate assembly
Device for tempering a glass sheet by contact
Flow barrier in the annealing section of a glass tempering appar
Fluid spraying apparatus for tempering glass sheets