High voltage dust collecting panel
Imagewise hardening with inert transition metal complex oxidizin
Induced voltage electrode filter system with disposable cartridg
Integrated multi-function lamp for providing light and purificat
Ion injector for air handling systems
Kitchen hood filtration apparatus
Light sensitive photographic material
Light-sensitive material with coupler containing triazole coupli
Lippmann-emulsions and reversal processing thereof
Method and apparatus for removing vapor phase contaminants...
Method and system for controlling constituents in an exhaust...
Method for developing an exposed silver halide color photosensit
Method for forming photographic images
Method for improving the light fastness of color photographic dy
Method for processing light-sensitive silver halide photographic
Method for the addition of photographic addenda
Method of forming color photographic images
Method of forming color photographic images
Method of producing reversal color images
Mobile unit for cleaning contaminated air