Reactor for gas/liquid or gas/liquid/solid reactions
Reflex fan cylinder for water cooling towers
Refrigerator with carbonated water distributor
Regular packing element of thin foil-like material for mass tran
Regular packing for countercurrent mass and direct heat transfer
Relieved inlet structure for counterflow water cooling tower
Remotely controlled primer actuator for power equipment engines
Removal of solids from a cooling tower basin
Repair pad and nozzle for cooling tower
Replaceable seal module for liquid aerators
Replacement evaporative element and clip system for a...
Respiratory air humidifier
Respiratory air humidifier for respirators
Respiratory gas humidifier
Respiratory humidification system
Respiratory humidifier
Retangular suspending downcomer directing tray
Retractable cover unit for hot water basin of crossflow cooling
Retrievable aeration system
Retrievable diffuser module with internal ballast/buoyancy...