Vented angular golf tee
Vented golf tee
Versatile play ball
Versatile practice insertion tip golf tee anchor
Vertical aerial assembly for volleyball
Vertical ball-lift with pneumatic actuator
Vertically adjustable backboard
Vertically adjustable foldable bridge for a billiard cue
Vertically curved face putter with multiple horizontal...
Vertically mass balanced putter
Vertically storable and self-leveling billiard table
Vibration absorbing device for the strings or frame of a racket
Vibration absorbing material for handles of sporting equipment
Vibration absorbing material for handles of sporting equipment
Vibration damped golf clubs and ball bats
Vibration dampened hand-held implements
Vibration dampener for metal ball bats and similar impact implem
Vibration dampening grip
Vibration dampening grip cover for the handle of an implement
Vibration dampening grip cover for the handle of an implement