Method and apparatus for drying solid material
Method and apparatus for incinerating liquid, gaseous and pasty
Method and apparatus for incinerating of refuse
Method and apparatus for incinerating waste material
Method and apparatus for producing gas from solid municipal wast
Method and apparatus for receiving customized television program
Method and apparatus for the incineration of stalks, especially
Method and apparatus for treating a continuous flow of fluid was
Method and apparatus for treating waste material
Method and apparatus for treating waste material in a counter-cu
Method and furnace for combustion of primary fuels with moisture
Method and means of combustion
Method and pharmaceutical composition for iron delivery in...
Method for characterizing the molecular weight and molecular wei
Method for controlling temperatures in the afterburner and combu
Method for disposal of waste synthetic high polymer
Method for disposing of paper in an asphalt plant
Method for generating heat
Method for improving sewage sludge incineration
Method for incineration of a sludge containing chromium substanc