Method of controlling combustion
Method of controlling combustion in a fluidized bed furnace
Method of controlling combustion in fluidized bed incinerator
Method of controlling combustion of fluidized-bed incinerator
Method of controlling deactivation of denitrating catalyst
Method of controlling generation of clinker ash from exhaust gas
Method of controlling the heat balance in a shaft-type metallurg
Method of controlling the opacity of the exhaust of the combusti
Method of controlling the temperature of a reaction carried...
Method of cooling a grate for a furnace and grate for a furnace
Method of decreasing ash fouling
Method of decreasing NO.sub.x emissions from a fluidized bed rea
Method of destroying hazardous wastes
Method of directly removing sulfur, with flue dust being returne
Method of disposing of absorbent material impregnated with waste
Method of disposing of animal waste
Method of disposing of combustible materials
Method of disposing of materials by dissolving in acid and then
Method of disposing of toxic substances
Method of drying fine coal particles