Method for feeding a mixture comprising a burnable solid and...
Method for feeding solid material into a reaction space,...
Method for firing a rotary kiln with pulverized solid fuel
Method for gasifying large pieces of solid fuels, especially...
Method for generating heat energy by intermittent smoke charge c
Method for generating heat from waste fuel
Method for generating thermal energy from fine-grained...
Method for generation of hot gas by incineration of combustible
Method for improving solids distribution in a circulating fluidi
Method for improving utilization of sulphur-absorbent containing
Method for incinerating material
Method for incinerating refuse and for treating the resulting sl
Method for incinerating refuse, and a control process therefor
Method for incinerating sewage sludge
Method for incinerating waste sludges
Method for incineration disposal of waste
Method for inhibiting corrosion in integrated spray drying-calci
Method for largely unsupported combustion of petroleum coke
Method for low load operation of a coal-fired furnace
Method for making solid waste material environmentally safe usin