Method for combustion treatment of combustible waste and...
Method for control of slag build-up in solid waste incinerators
Method for controlled burnout of abandoned coal mines and waste
Method for controlling additive feed in a boiler system
Method for controlling incineration in combustor for radioactive
Method for controlling temperatures in the afterburner and combu
Method for controlling the firing rate of combustion installatio
Method for controlling the particulate size distributions of the
Method for destroying refuse
Method for determining the average radiation of a burning bed in
Method for disposal of medical waste materials
Method for disposal of waste materials by incineration
Method for disposing of hazardous and high-energy materials...
Method for disposing of paper in an asphalt plant
Method for dissolving salt encrustations in a heat exchanger
Method for drying aqueous, solid fuels
Method for drying coal with hot recycle material
Method for effecting control over a radially stratified flame co
Method for energy recovery from containerized hazardous waste
Method for energy recovery from solid hazardous waste