Low NOx boiler
Low profile portable power plant
Method and apparatus for cooling hot bulk material
Method and apparatus for the complete, dry desulphurization of c
Method and plant for producing high steam temperatures when burn
Method of and device for reducing the dust content of the exhaus
Method of disposing of and apparatus for grinding moisture beari
Method of disposing of waste material
Multi oil furnace service doors
Multifuel heat generator with integrated circulating bed
Non-peripheral blowing of oxygen-containing gas in steam generat
Organic waste fuel combustion system integrated with a gas turbi
Pollution-free, resource recovery, garbage disposal/fuel burning
Portable multi-purpose outdoor fire container and hot water stor
Preburning plant for burning solid fuel materials having a high
Process and apparatus for treating municipal trash
Process for the production of electrical energy and/or heating a
Processes and means for waste resources utilization
Recovery boiler
Refuse incineration system