Method for agglomerating powdered coal by compaction
Method for beneficiation of low-rank coal
Method for binding particulate wastes such as dusts, fibers, pap
Method for blowing synthetic resins as a fuel into a furnace
Method for catalyzing fuel for powering internal combustion engi
Method for combustion of pulverized coal with reduced emissions
Method for concentration and extraction of lubricity...
Method for continuously co-firing pulverized coal and a coal-wat
Method for controlling accessories of a motor vehicle
Method for controlling deposit formation in gasoline direct...
Method for controlling deposits in the fuel reformer of a...
Method for controlling engine deposits in a direct injection...
Method for controlling viscosity of organic liquid and compositi
Method for controlling viscosity of organic liquids and composit
Method for converting heavy oil residuum to a useful fuel
Method for coprocessing coal and oil
Method for de-ashing and transportation of coal
Method for deactivating and controlling the dusting tendencies o
Method for decomposition of polymers into fuels
Method for decreasing air pollution from burning a combustible b