Brassiere with soft/hard underwire assembly
Brassiere with soft/hard underwire assembly
Brassiere with support underwires
Breast cup construction
Bust support device
Cushion tips for brassiere frames
Cushioned underwire
Decorative link for underwire brassiere cups
Dual folding tool and method of use
Elongated flexible tip for brassiere frames
Flexible bra cup support
Frame for brassiere cups
Framework for the rigidification of a part of garment, made of a
Garment having multifilament twisted and drawn or swaged support
Garment underwire with zones of differing flexibility
Garment underwire with zones of differing flexibility
Garment with cupwires
Method of attaching an underwire to a brassiere cup
Method of forming brassiere frames with cushion tips
Method of matching brassiere wire or stay to a brassiere cup