Hands free tortilla forming machine
High speed food processing device
Meat product press apparatus
Method and apparatus for flash cooking food
Method and apparatus for forming and baking flat, thin discs of
Method and apparatus for molding food particles
Method and apparatus for simulating open flame broiled meat prod
Mold with plug take-up mechanism
Pizza press with interchangeable upper mold
Portable apparatus for rapid grill cooking
Portable self-heated cooking press
Press for molding meat products during cooking
Pressing device for molding and cooking products
Pressing mold for holding and pressing foodstuff, such as...
Removable cooking surface for the movable platen of a two-sided
Removable cooking surface for the movable platen of a two-sided
Run-through grill with non-uniform heat distribution about the r
Self-contained crust factory
Skewer attachment
System and device for grilling food