Linkage for area controlled, thrust vectoring vane cascade
Load bearing vane structure for thrust reversal
Load strut for a variable geometry nozzle
Lobe mixer for gas turbine engine
Lock for an engine thrust reverser
Louvered seal flap edge stiffener
Louvered seal flap for flap-type nozzle
Low friction, movable, rocket nozzle
Mechanism for operating a cascade of variable pitch vanes
Method and apparatus for suppressing infrared signatures
Method and linkage for positioning a convergent flap and coaxial
Method and nozzle for producing thrust
Model aircraft variable geometry nozzle
Modular composite cascade assembly
Movable blast pipes for jet engines
Multi-panel thrust reverser door
Multifunction exhaust system for gas turbine engines
Nested cone extendible nozzle system for a rocket motor
Non-radiating extendible cloth exit cone for rocket nozzles
Novel inertance loop construction for air sweep fluidic oscillat