Variable-pitch multi-blade propeller incorporating individually
Variable-pitch multi-blade propeller incorporating individually
Variable-pitch multi-blade rotor, in particular for the rear ant
Variable-pitch propeller
Variable-pitch propeller assembly enabling pitch reversal during
Variable-pitch propeller having feathering blades
Variable-pitch propeller or fan
Variable-pitch propeller, especially for sport craft
Variable-pitch rotor, specially for a rotary-wing aircraft
Variable-twist rotor blade controlled by hub pitch angle and...
Varying fluence as a function of thickness during laser...
VAWT cluster and individual supporting arrangements
Vehicle employing a fluid motor with arrangements
Velocity profile impeller vane
Ventilator fan device
Ventilator having an optimum fan structure
Venturi rotor apparatus for the generation of power
Vertical array wind turbine
Vertical axis fluid driven rotor
Vertical axis rotor