High performance blade for helicopter rotor
High-lift airfoil with bulbous leading edge
HP turbine blade airfoil profile
HP turbine blade airfoil profile
HP turbine blade airfoil profile
HP turbine vane airfoil profile
HP turbine vane airfoil profile
HP turbine vane airfoil profile
Hydrodynamic retarder
Impeller for a ring compressor
Impeller having blade(s) conforming to the golden section of...
Impeller made from a sheet-metal disk and method of manufacturin
Impeller structure for water jet propelled boat
Inlet guide vane
Laser shock peened gas turbine engine intermetallic parts
Light weight steam turbine blade
Light weight steam turbine blade
Low head pumping system for fish farms
Low pressure end blade for a low pressure steam turbine
Low solidity turbofan