Helicopter blade folding with blade droop
Helicopter blade positioning mechanism for foldable rotor...
Helicopter in-flight rotor tracking system, method, and...
Helicopter individual blade control system
Helicopter rotor blade
Helicopter vibration control system and rotary force...
High efficiency turbine with variable attack angle foils
High pressure turbine disk hub with curved hub surface and...
Hollow turbine blade stiffening
Impeller assembly for centrifugal pump
Inductive rotary joint message system
Internally cooled gas turbine airfoil and method
Large tapered air cooled turbine blade
Lift device for rotor blade in wind turbine
Liquid cooled counter flow turbine bucket
Low speed cooling fan
Marine propeller and method
Means for adjusting the rotor blade of a wind power plant rotor
Method and a device for adjusting the pitch and stopping the...
Method and apparatus for altering the physical properties of...