Method for pressure transport of methanol through a pipeline
Method for preventing fluid from reaching a portion of a pipe
Method for producing a heatable and refrigerable element for a s
Method for producing a tapping valve formed as a plastic...
Method for proportioning fuel usage by a fluid fueled apparatus
Method for pulling a valve seat
Method for pulling cable and conducting mixed concrete
Method for reducing dissipation rate of fluid ejected into bound
Method for reducing dissipation rate of fluid ejected into...
Method for reducing dissipation rate of fluid ejected into...
Method for reducing dissipation rate of fluid ejected into...
Method for reducing pressure drop in the transportation of drag
Method for reducing pressure of highly compressed gases without
Method for reducing the pipeline drag of heavy oil and...
Method for regenerating hydraulic systems
Method for regulating the flow of an electrically conductive flu
Method for restricting uncontrolled fluid flow through a pipe
Method for sealing a butterfly valve
Method for sealing taps
Method for separating fluids by means of pressure differential