Method for blocking a pipe and device therefor
Method for breaking emulsions
Method for closing channels containing pressure fluid in a housi
Method for closing fluid passage, and water hammerless valve...
Method for collecting a viscous and sticky material
Method for configuration of a valve
Method for conserving a resource by flow interruption
Method for conserving a resource by flow interruption
Method for control of hard water scale deposition in evaporative
Method for controllably positioning a solenoid plunger
Method for controlling a water supply valve of a washing machine
Method for controlling mass flow rate
Method for controlling pressure
Method for detecting broken valve stem
Method for detecting opening in fluid flow passageway and shutti
Method for diluting acid or alkaline stock solution and apparatu
Method for dispensing a solution
Method for dissolving polymeric materials in hydrocarbon liquids
Method for eliminating hazardous materials from cargo tank wet l
Method for establishing core-flow in water-in-oil emulsions or d