Method and apparatus for charging efflorescent material...
Method and apparatus for harvesting crawfish and like living thi
Method and apparatus for identifying fishing line...
Method and apparatus for locating and catching fish
Method and apparatus for selecting fishing lure color
Method and apparatus for selecting fishing lure color
Method and apparatus for supplying trawl
Method for evaluating a fishing lure
Method for finding temperature environments for fish
Method for fishing with weedless easy-fall bait
Method for forming and holding cheese fish bait
Method for undermining an immersed ground and for generating an
Method of attaching a leader to a snelled fly
Method of baiting fish hooks, and baited fish hooks
Method of causing fish to gather
Method of fish tagging and device
Method of fishing using a slip-ring fishing device
Method of handling fishing equipment and an arrangement for carr
Method of increasing the fish catch in the ocean
Method of making a fishing lure