User interface control for communication system
User interface for an information processing system, with...
User interface for an information-processing system
User interface for creation and editing of variable data...
User interface for instant and full-featured index page...
User interface for navigation and control of a printing system
User interface for television schedule system
User interface for television schedule system
User programmable switching arrangement
User verification by zero-knowledge interactive proof
User-adjustable mechanism for extracting full color...
User-definable print-option conversion for heterogeneous...
User-definable print-option conversion for heterogeneous...
User-settable features of an intelligent video information manag
Using a first IF of 43.5 MHZ or less in an FM radio in a televis
Using a paper preview in document management applications
Using a processor enhanced memory module to accelerate...
Using an image from a form in automatic creation of a form or sh
Using common circuitry for different signals
Using embedded links for modifying printing attributes in a...