Circuit for selectively converting a color bar pattern
Circuit for separating chroma and luminance information in a com
Circuit for separating composite color television signal into lu
Circuit for separating luminance and chrominance signals
Circuit for separating luminance and chrominance signals from a
Circuit for stabilizing the black level in an output signal of a
Circuit for the line synchronization in a television receiver ha
Circuit providing gamma, color and temperature compensation for
Circuit to vary the phase of the color burst signal
Circuit with a comb filter for causing color difference signals
Circuitry for comb filtering PAL and NTSC video signals
Circuitry for correcting frame combed luminance signal for motio
Circuitry for correcting motion induced errors in frame comb fil
Circuitry for nonlinear processing of reference white on color i
Circuitry for preventing doming phenomenon in a television recei
Circuitry providing a delayed color television signal having lum
Circuitry to support justification of PWM pixels
Circuitry to support justification of PWM pixels
Circular scanning system for an integrated camera and panoramic
Clamp circuit for RGB output stages