Rotating driving apparatus and image reading apparatus
Rotating head recorder with different recording and playback spe
Rotating non-rotationally symmetrical halftone dots for encoding
Rotating shutter system for improving the resolution of a visual
Rotation control apparatus for a motor
Rotation speed detection circuit in a video disc playback device
Rotation-free electrical focussing circuit for television image
Rotor-in-stator examination magnetic carriage and positioning ap
Routing apparatus and method for video composition
Routing objects on action paths in a distributed computing syste
Routing scanned documents with scanned control sheets
Row addressing apparatus for a bistable display device
Row grabbing system
Row grabbing system
Row grabbing video display terminal having local programmable co
Run length decoding apparatus
Run length encoder
Run length encoding and decoding methods and means
Run length encoding and decoding methods and means
Run length encoding and decoding methods and means