Actuating system for a rental television
Adaptable area for image storage
Adapter for rendering a non-addressable CATV converter addressab
Adaptive AFT system with variable step resolution
Adaptive architecture for video effects
Adaptive automatic gain control
Adaptive block classification scheme for encoding video images
Adaptive block transform image coding method and apparatus
Adaptive blocking image signal coding system
Adaptive buffer/quantizer control for transform video coders
Adaptive clumped dithering with clump plane separation
Adaptive coding and decoding of frames and fields of video
Adaptive color rendering by an inkjet printer based on object ty
Adaptive comb filter circuit including a plurality of filters an
Adaptive DCT/DPCM video signal coding method
Adaptive defect correction for solid-state imagers
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation video encoder
Adaptive digital aperture compensation and noise cancel circuit
Adaptive digital coder and decoder
Adaptive digital video compression system