Water-decomposable fibrous sheet containing fibrillated...
Water-decomposable fibrous sheet of high resistance to...
Water-discoloring wall adhering material and...
Water-disintegratable fibrous sheet containing modified...
Water-disintegratable sheet and manufacturing method thereof
Water-disintegratable sheet and manufacturing method thereof
Water-dispersible and multicomponent fibers from...
Water-dispersible fibrous nonwoven coform composites
Water-dispersible, cationic polymers, a method of making...
Water-repellent and vapor-permeable multilayer material for...
Water-resistant and stain-resistant, antimicrobial treated texti
Water-sensitive compositions for improved processability
Water-shrinkable film
Water-vapor permeable films and textiles
Water-vapor-permeable, watertight, and heat-reflecting flat...
Waterborne coating compositions
Waterproof breathable fabric for outdoor athletic apparel
Waterproof fabric
Waterproof, vapor-permeable fabric and method for generating sam
Waterproof-finished fabric and waterproof clothing