Tracer unit for ammunition
Triaminoguanidine nitrate-containing propellants
Triaminoguanidinium phosphate propellant additive
Two phase emulsion useful in explosive compositions
Two-part igniter for gas generating compositions
Ultra high-energy azide containing gun propellants
Ultra low density explosive composition
Ultra-ultrahigh burning rate composite modified double-base prop
Ultrahigh burning rate propellants containing an organic perchlo
Unsupported propellant charge element and compact charge produce
Urethane compounds and CMDB propellants stabilized therewith
Use of graphite fibers to augment propellant burning rate
Variable output and dial-a-yield explosive charges
Variable output and dial-a-yield explosive charges
Vehicle occupant protection device and solid solution gas...
Vehicle occupant protection device and solid solution gas...
Vinyl ethers as nonammonia producing bonding agents in composite
Waste-free method of making molding powder
Water based coating for gas generating material and method
Water in oil explosive emulsions