Selecting hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene for high strain prope
Semi-continuous two-pack process for casting solid propergol...
Sensitized cast emulsion explosive composition
Shaped, flexible fuel and energetic system therefrom
Silane ballistic modifier containing propellant
Silicon as high performance fuel additive for ammonium nitrate p
Silicone containing solid propellant
Silicone rubber explosive and method of making
Simplified emulsion coating of crystalline explosives in a TNT m
Simultaneous yellow smoke and yellow flame composition containin
Single-base propellant composition using BuNena as energetic...
Slurry casting method for double base propellants
Slurry coating method for agglomeration of molding powders...
Smoke composition
Smoke generating compositions and methods of making the same
Smoke-generating composition
Smoke-generating composition based on colophony derivatives
Smoke-producing pyrotechnic composition and its application
Smokeless gas generating composition for an inflatable vehicle o
Smokeless propellant compositions having polyester or polybutadi