Mixed charges for ammunitions with a casing constituted by agglo
Nitric ester explosive compositions
Nitrogen gas generator
Permissible slurry explosive
Primer mix, percussion primer and method for initiating combusti
Process for preparing a high power explosive, high power explosi
Propellant compositions containing a staple metal fuel
Pyrotechnic composition for delay elements
PYX Purification technique
Salt-phase sensitized water-containing explosives
Seismic explosive composition
Sensitization of inorganic oxidizer explosives
Sensitized explosive
Shale oil explosives
Slurry explosive with high strength hollow spheres
Slurry explosives
Solid sensitizers for water-in-oil emulsion explosives
Stabilization of water-bearing explosives having a thickened con
Stabilized air bubble-containing explosive compositions
Stable nitrate/emulsion explosives and emulsion for use therein