Gasser composition and method of gassing
Gradient thermosetting plastic-bonded explosive composition,...
High density, low viscosity airbreather fuel (RJ-4-I)
High explosive fills for very small volume applications
Hydrogen gas generator from hydrazine/ammonia
Ignition compositions for inflator gas generators
Ignition enhanced gas generant and method
Internal additive and process for the preparation of certain cry
Isomerization of endo-endo hexacyclic olefinic dimer of norborna
Limited-life cartridge primers
Liquid oxidizer composition perparation
Making a reduced volume strength blasting composition
Manufacture of gel free nitrocellulose lacquers
Metal-oxide-based energetic materials and synthesis thereof
Method and apparatus for the production of explosive slurry
Method and means for making an explosive in the form of an emuls
Method for binary propellant
Method for forming an emulsion explosive composition
Method for improving the quality of an emulsion explosive compos
Method for intermolecular explosive with viscosity modifier