Method and apparatus for dredging employing a transport fluid fl
Method and apparatus for dredging having bow-stern movement of t
Method and apparatus for dredging of ground, particularly sand
Method and apparatus for harvesting and dewatering peat moss mat
Method and apparatus for mining nodules from beneath the sea
Method and apparatus for rooted plant excavating and plant packa
Method and conveyor for snow removal
Method and device for maintaining tools at a level
Method and device for powering a motor vehicle electric...
Method and device for sucking up a solid substance from a stock
Method and tool for performing seabed excavation
Method for sucking up soil or sludge by means of a suction hoppe
Method of and apparatus for dredging sludge in high density
Method of and apparatus for preventing diffusion of muddy water
Method of and apparatus for underwater hydraulic conveying, as f
Method of controlling a mobile suction device for sucking suspen
Method of dredging and dredging implement
Mining concentrator
Mining dredge having endless bucket conveyor and flexible guide
Mining transition chamber