Monitoring of elevator door performance
Monitoring of elevator door reversal data
Monitoring of manual elevator door systems
Motor speed controller system for freight elevator doors
Multifunction connection and support element in a mechanism for
Multiple level building with elevator hoistway seal structure
Neural network detection of obstructions within and motion...
Operating system for elevator doors
Optical door lock
Optical monitoring system for hoistway door interlocks
Optimization of magnetizing current in linear induction motors
Overhead supporting beam for an elevator door and a door mechani
Pretensioning system for synchronization and positioning system
Procedure and apparatus for the control of elevator doors
Procedure for closing an elevator landing door, and a door coupl
Procedure for closing an elevator landing door, and a door coupl
Procedure for moving the landing door of an elevator, and a...
Remote-operated elevator door safety control
Roller guide for a sliding elevator door
Rollers for the roller guide of sliding elevator doors