Adaptive multi-mode digital control improving light-load...
Adaptive multi-mode system and method
Adaptive power control for hysteretic regulators
Adaptive power supply arrangement
Adaptive PWM pulse positioning for fast transient response
Adaptive PWM pulse positioning for fast transient response
Adaptive transistor drive circuit
ADC transfer function providing improved dynamic regulation...
ADC transfer function providing improved dynamic regulation...
ADC transfer function providing improved dynamic regulation...
Adding a laplace transform zero to a linear integrated...
Adding a laplace transform zero to a linear integrated...
Adjustable current consumption power supply apparatus
Adjustable feedback circuit for adaptive opto drives
Adjustable switching current regulator
Adjustable voltage controlled DC to DC switcher current source
Advanced current-mode control for switched regulators
Advanced monitoring algorithm for regulated power systems...
All digital switching regulator for use in power supplies, batte
Alternating current converter