D-C Relay relief control for A-C electric motor
D.C. solenoid control circuit
DC braking of inverter-driven AC motors
DC bus voltage regulation by controlling the frequency in a vari
DC feedback firing control circuit for a DC/three-phase current
DC motor control method and apparatus
DC to AC inverter and motor control system
Dc/ac inverter apparatus for three-phase and single-phase...
Dead-time compensation apparatus of PWM inverter and method...
Dead-time effect compensation for pulse-width modulated inverter
Deadbeat control method and control unit for an asynchronous...
Detection of loss of cooling air to traction motors
Device and a method for estimating the speed of a slip ring...
Device and method for controlling supply of current and...
Device and method for controlling supply of current and...
Device and method for utilizing a monopole motor to create...
Device for controlling AC motor
Device for controlling an AC motor
Device for controlling an asynchronous motor
Device for controlling an electric motor