Feed cable system for coils in high magnetic fields
Feed mechanism and method therefor
Feed mechanism and method therefor
Feedback circuit for noiseless damping of the Q of an MRI receiv
Feedback controlled magnetic resonance apparatus and method...
Ferromagnetic frame magnet with superconducting coils
Ferromagnetic frame with laminated carbon steel
Ferromagnetic frame with laminated carbon steel
Ferromagnetic resonance measuring cavity resonator and electron
Ferromagnetic shield for magnetic resonance imaging
Ferrorefraction MRI system having two orthogonal remote...
Fibre tracking magnetic resonance imaging
Fibre tracking on the basis of macroscopic information
Field distribution correction element and method for...
Field gradient correction apparatus for compensating static fiel
Field mapping fixture for a superconducting magnet for imaging h
Field-frequency lock system for magnetic resonance system
Filamentary cold shield for superconducting magnets
Filler material for magnet resonant system self-shielded...
Filtering of oscillatory B0 behavior in NMR devices