Watchdog circuit for transmission line sensor module
Water cut monitoring means and method
Water moisture measuring instrument and method
Water resistance load system
Water resistance load system
Water-compensated open fault locator
Watt and var transducer
Watt hour meter
Watt hour meter registration calibration method and apparatus
Watt meter providing electrical signal proportional to power
Watt-hour counter
Watt-hour meter
Watt-hour meter cover with battery hatch reset switch and optica
Watt-hour meter cover with battery hatch/reset switch and optica
Watt-hour meter with communication on diagnostic error detection
Watt-hour meter with digital per-phase power factor...
Watt/watt hour transducer having current signals and a modulator
Watt/watthour transducer and amplifier-filter therefor
Watt/watthour transducer and integrator and current sources ther
Watthour meter and battery retaining apparatus therefor