A-C magnet with a shorting ring
A.C. contactor
AC Drive electromagnetic relay
AC Solenoid apparatus of the armature in tube type
AC solenoid with split housing
Acquisition of sychronization in a spread spectrum...
Activating magnet
Activating magnet
Activating magnet, particularly a stroke magnet
Active device for damping the vibrations of a vibrating element
Actively shielded magnet for magnetic resonance apparatus
Actively shielded magnet system with Z2 shim
Actively shielded magnetic resonance magnet without cryogens
Actively shielded superconducting magnet assembly with a...
Actively shielded superconducting magnet assembly with...
Actively shielded superconducting magnet with protection means
Actuating device
Actuating device
Actuating device having means for blocking movements
Actuating magnet