Superconducting fault current limiter
Superconducting FCL using a combined inducted magnetic field...
Superconducting induction apparatus
Superconducting magnet abnormality detection and protection appa
Superconducting magnet apparatus in persistent mode
Superconducting magnet apparatus with a magnetic shield
Superconducting magnet device
Superconducting magnet system for operation at 13k
Superconducting magnet system with quench protection circuit
Superconducting magnet system with quench protection circuit
Superconducting magnetic coil with a quench protection...
Superconducting magnetic system
Superconducting matrix fault current limiter with...
Superconducting shielded core reactor with reduced AC losses
Superconducting switch and current limiter using such a switch
Superconducting transformer
Superconducting-magnet electrical circuit having voltage and que
Superconducting-magnet electrical circuit offering quench protec
Superconductive AC current limiter
Superconductive circuit for controlling quench events